Screen Titan Ultra
Screen Titan Ultra delivers 3 separate grades of topsoil, gravel, sand or whatever you need, from each and every screen cycle. Though still a small soil screener, the Ultra can easily handle up to 3 cubic yards of material per load. Its 46.5″ x 124″ screen bed coupled with the integrated loading pan, provides 13.5′ of travel, guaranteeing that each load is completely screened in a typical 20 second cycle time.
VIDEO: Screen King Ultra receiving and screening material from a primary crusher in Illinois, USA. The fines are on the right in the recovery area, the mediums on the left and the oversize is being dropped from the sluice to the other side of the wall.
The 3 separate grade zones and separately defined load area ensure that finished product remains cleanly piled until you remove it, there is never any need to drive over the finished product to get to the Ultra. Couple this with the 12 cubic yard main recovery area and you have a screener that will stay in operation longer in a one machine operation, or allow two machines to operate the screener without traffic issues, one working the load-zone and one working the recovery area.

A Screen King Ultra receiving and screening material from a primary crusher
in Illinois, USA. Watch video above.
The Screen King Ultra drive system is completely mechanical. There are no hydraulic pumps, hoses or fluids to maintain or change. Except for following scheduled engine maintenance, the only regular consumable part on the screener is the drive belt.
The Screen King/Titan Ultra shaker head with its patented screen-box suspension system is powered by Honda GX630, 20 HP gas engine, a super-quiet workhorse that provides long hours of trouble free operation.
The Screen King/Titan Ultra is highly mobile and can be quickly moved from site to site by a 1-ton vehicle. The unit has integral lift points that make it a snap to lock on the custom dually wheel system with the 9000 lb axle rating, by using the hydraulics you’ve already invested in – your backhoe, loader, etc.
The Screen King/Titan Ultra comes complete with dually wheel towing package, electric brakes, 3/8″ steel dividing plates to separate material in 3 different recovery areas, installed hour meter and 2 screens to your specs.