DJ Manufacturing is a closely held company incorporated under the laws of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. It came into being in 1989 as a metal fabrication and repair facility to service the, then robust, Digby and area fishing fleet.

The technical expertise gained in this area, plus the entrepreneurial drive of the owner allowed
DJ Manufacturing to quickly adapt to the spiraling decline of the east coast fishery. Doug MacNaughton, President and Owner, possesses a unique skill-set: the conceptual presence of an inventor, the design sense of an engineer and the practical "get-it-done-NOW" urgency of a true entrepreneur. It was this innate business sense that led
DJ Manufacturing to recognize the opportunity that existed for a small, portable earth & rock screener that was unique in the industry in terms of size, portability, affordability and reliability. Again it was Doug's desire to create a long-lived, family run, corporate dynasty that led him to patent his new product in both
Canada and the US.

Our Canada trademark is ScreenKing Ultra® & ScreenKing Mini®, Our USA & World markets are trademarked ScreenTitan Ultra™ & ScreenTitan Mini™. Dealer Inquires are welcome.
DJ Manufacturing is an Atlantic Canadian business that has begun the process of implementing a strategic, measured expansion. This strategic growth will firmly place
DJ Manufacturing in the global marketplace as a manufacturer of superior product designed, manufactured and delivered with a superior level of customer service. Our aim is to maintain the personal approach of a small business organization via our sense of integrity and commitment in our dealings with current and future clients in Canada and worldwide.