
Screen King Ultra
Designed to deliver 3 separate grades of topsoil, gravel, sand or whatever you require, from each and every screen cycle, the Screen King/Titan Ultra can easily handle up to 3 cubic yards of material per charge. Diesel and electric power options are available.

Screen King Mini
The small portable soil screener, Screen King Mini is designed to deliver 3 separate grades of topsoil, gravel, sand or whatever you require from each and every screen cycle, the Screen King/Titan Mini can easily handle up to ¾ cubic yards of material per charge.
- What Our Customers are Saying -
We bought more!
We bought our first Screen Titan Mini early in 2015. It worked so well that we have purchased 5 more Minis and one Ultra since then. We’re very happy with them - they are reliable, they perform as promised with a minimum of maintenance and I would have no problem recommending them to anyone. They are doing an excellent job!!
Jeff Limbaugh
President/CEO Midwest Organics Inc.
Sikeston, Missouri
Works perfectly
Just want to thank you for your service you provided and let you know that this screen plant is working perfectly. Its a great help on my Ready mix concrete and block making plant. Attached 2 photos of operating plant.
Rajendra Chetty
Discount Building Supplied Ltd
Nothing but praise
When the screen arrived in the summer months we found it even better than we expected. The screen is permanently in our quarry screening top coarse gravel, various sizes of pipe bedding rock, drain rock in several sizes, 50ml and 75ml base gravel.
We stock pile soil excavated from all jobs, the screen with a 5ml screen where we get a top quality top soil that we have no problem selling at a good price. We have screened mulch for the local council which they are really pleased with.
Once purchasing a variety of screen sizes there is no end to what product you can acquire and sell at a good profit.
I would have no problem recommending the Screen Titan Ultra to any person interested in purchasing one. It has been the best investment our family business has ever purchased. I would have no problem with you giving my email address or more so, my phone number, to anyone in Australia (or worldwide) who is interested in purchasing a Screen Titan.
I have nothing but praise for my Screen Titan Ultra.
Kim Bourke, Tasmania, Australia
Excellent product
We have a Screen Titan Mini and Screen Titan Ultra working at a nuclear power plant in Washington State USA. They are removing liners in ponds and screening the material.
Excellent product!
Framatome ANP Inc, France
A real workhorse
This machine is a real work horse, from topsoil to drainage stone it works quickly and reliably!
Gordon White, GW Excatvating – Yarmouth, NS
Much lower price
We went with the Screen King because of design, it’s easy to move into the mining area, and of course, its much lower price.
Zink Mine – Yukon Canada
Something you have to see in action!
I purchased my Screen King in the spring and it’s just something you have to see in action to appreciate! 6 1/2 gallons of gas keeps my 2 yard excavator and 3 1/2 yard front end loader busy for 8 hours at a go!
Ed McCoy, Aggregates – Federicton, NB
Did the trick!
I needed a screener that had the ability to screen peat bog. The Screen King’s 13′ long screen bed did the trick!
Art King, King Earth Works – Portugal Cove, Newfoundland
It pays for itself in the first year
My brother Dwight and I have been composting source-separated organics since the year 2000. Our major problem was contaminants in the organics. This year we purchased a Screen King screener and it’s doing a good job removing all of the fine plastic. We now have a product that’s aesthetically saleable and more pleasing for us to put out into the marketplace.
We suspect this machine will pay for itself in the first year. It seems to be able to screen product with up to a 50% moisture content whereas our trommel screener we used in the past, would have plugged up constantly.
This is a great machine all around.
Robin Horsnell – Northridge Farms – Aylesford, NS
high production, low maintenance and it’s easy on fuel
I bought a Screen King three or four months ago and I really like the way it works. It’s a great machine with high production, low maintenance and it’s easy on fuel.
Trevor Sabine, Trevor Sabine Trucking – Weymouth, NS
solves all screening problems
We purchased the Screen King 3 years ago. It’s been totally reliable with low maintenance and it solves all of our screening problems.
Barry Bass, Nova Paving Ltd – Bridgetown, NS